write and cypher

    this seemly room
    hammered black porcelain
    singing flesh
    over a miners lamp
    shooting the feather
    in vain
    abandoned but for
    and stars that are silent
    to dream
    below the gloom
    in little houses
    exhaling safety
    in soft retreat or shy
    the ghost has gone
    for cigarettes & a pack
    of lies
    in peacock feathers
    dark as wine
    where dogs
    have daylight
    heavy necklaced
    eat in a prophets
    paradise or in
    this seemly room
    hammered black porcelain
    singing flesh
    over a miners lamp
    shooting the feather
    over & over in disbelief
    seeking excess
    up a pace
    & toke
    intoxicant birds of song
    and dance licked
    sharp quivering tongue
    into blue days
    processional window
    waves of farewell
    to chains of what
    used to be
    that made it
    to my brain, or be it
    my heart
    in peacock feathers
    dark as wine
    where dogs
    have daylight &
    heavy necklaced
    eat in a prophets
    clamor the stars
    falling now
    from the sky

    the ghost has gone
    for cigarettes & a pack
    of lies

    between doves

    listen for the creek
    of wheel-barrow wheels
    I dissolve
    into double speak
    at the start
    to float
    upon the mercuric
    between doves
    making love
    paths waited
    & ached for
    faded punch lines
    in angst
    that extend a clue
    in stark silence
    the coo
    and flapping
    of wings
    is painted
    upon my eyes
    upon my thoughts
    to a blink
    tattooed inside
    two Lions raw and
    listen for the creek
    of wheel-barrow wheels
    that dissolve
    into double speak
    and start
    to float
    upon the mercuric
    I paw at the face
    of passionate love
    held so nervously
    to disappear
    like Acid Burnt
    where nothing is.

    In the great Trees
    Doves sing
    fuckyoooo, fuckyoooo

    in flower

    The dogs
    of Beasts
    your joints .
    A juice
    to a ‘ bottle ‘ .
    Horned angels
    watch you .
    from wall
    to wall
    confusion .
    goat footed
    foul breath
    you are taken
    claw in claw .
    I end up then
    the potion
    & the poison .
    My meaning
    is lost
    drinking kerosene
    a man
    on fire .
    Moving to the beat
    of jungle
    drums .
    Expectation paints
    around me .
    in wet hues
    pastel sunsets
    an open
    returns unchanged .
    Horned angels
    wait & watch
    I look to you
    like I’ve
    never looked .
    Is it
    before pleasure
    before panic
    .. before you ?
    what is burnt .
    brings out
    the beast in you
    the beast that
    controls you .
    Like Credit cards
    you belong to
    the drug
    you respond to .
    Who is it that
    hovers over you
    comes & enters
    your head
    like a
    bloody-Mary ?
    With the Moon
    on the other
    side .
    Scenes shine
    blotting out
    lips that speak
    badly of me .
    You should let
    them pass .

    for me has
    gone to black .
    A butter fly tree
    in flower that
    sends me
    .... saves me .

steve duski
     Having become insecure, when the cards delt are always the same, from the age of 9 i became the 'toilet poet'. Substantial trial & error has built me up to attack the Web. Born in a Small Town, i've no problem seeing that as Simple success. Together with the ashtrays of promise & the bedsheets still warm. Here within are some kisses & hidden messages from the mind of Starshoe. Let your eyes move inarticulate & sencative to the beat of moonlessness & howls of passion that will not be moved.

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