...I begin to fear or at least feel uneasy when those around me begin to fall. I am not vindictive, though sometimes I disagree with that statement. I enjoy seeing others succeed, especially those closest to me. I do not seek opportunity in their demise or advancement in their failings. when I see them decline, I feel as if I may be next, or am at least given the sense of urgency to pick up my own pace a bit...
     I think of myself as a logical, reasonable scientific man. they say this hotel (an old abbey) is haunted, but I've worked third shift here for 18 months and never had the pleasure of meeting said ghoul. I occasionally feed the notion that maybe it is around the corner watching me, assuming it cannot read my mind and manifest itself before me. I do not beg the idea nor do I demand out loud that it show itself, heaven forbid it actually should. I'm afraid I'd lose my wits and forget all rational ideas I'd ever had regressing to the simple mind of a superstitious fool or even more hideously returning to the life of a Christian (I say return because I must have been one of some sort in the past, considering the fact that I am a confirmed Lutheran)...
     one of my good mates failed a drug test for work and is off dope for up to 6 months. he looks forward to a battery of new tests and all kinds of fun meetings and interesting straight people, if you can survive the ordeal without giving into the temptation of not telling the listeners what they want to hear. you can come out having somewhat enjoyed these supposedly sober, pedigreed, lunatics and their crazy notions. I still rate them as some of the weirdest mother fuckers I've ever dealt with and I've dealt with some real freaks over the years...
     I must be fucking too many ugly women, because every time I lay my eyes on a brown paper bag I get unreasonably horny theses days...taking walks down winter streets 21 degrees no gloves or hat seems fine but cold when going into the wind, two hours bopping away to music looking to the ground eyes peeled for icy slick spots, oblivious to so many cars, speeding like madmen, a mere foot away from my momentarily functional legs! I'm not sure I'll ever find someone willing to spend their time with me or me finding one I'm willing to spend my time with, especially working third shift and when I finally do, I'm sure I wont be happy. but I try, often too hard. I'm a slave to socialization and orgasms! I feel stuck in place, not unhappy at where I find myself but not entirely satisfied with where I am. I refuse to resign into the fact that like most of my contemporaries I can never be too happy for very long, even losing the taste for weed I once had, though I still have to say I love the green stuff. I wonder how much fat I'll lose not eating crap all day long, stoned and goofy. its probably transitory! I have so much shit I keep for years and never use and finally when I need it I can never seem to find it among all the other shit I haven't used for years which I wont be able to find when I do go to use it. I could never disapear into the wild forever, dependant upon an inhaler for my asthma I'm a victim for the treatment. I could easily cry or laugh or go into a rage at will so overloaded with feelings and emotion I can take myself anywhere in a moments notice but it sure makes for a helluva day!
     sometimes I wish I could take a vacation from everyone including myself, especially myself, trot through life with a flat smile and do my business the easy way like so many I run into on the street and in the malls. No hassle. my worse worries would be those things that seem insignificant to me at present. I'd be oblivious and dead before I knew it. I've spent a lot of time around people who are never really alone, never left to deal with heir fears and dreams, their worries and mortality a billion things. I'm forced to deal with whenever the tv is off or I'm sitting staring into my kitchen wall in silence or maybe to the beat of jazz eating my dinner alone, things I wouldn't have to deal with if I lived with a nymphomaniac or a comedian or a hungry lion! how could I ever complain where I am? I see some around me catatonic with envy at my living a simple, very independent, saddle broken life, but even simplicity has its numerous complications. I've never been happier and would change only a few hundred things if given the chance. it amazes me how I can be such a conniving, thieving, unscrupulous prick at times, yet when the old farmer in front of me drops his grossly obese wallet, I do not hesitate to pick it up and yell into his deaf ear until he responds and I give it back. you can't please everyone, but you can sure piss most of them off. a burning sensation within my soul, within my brain, within my veins and behind my eyes tells me I need to run naked screaming joy down the street, but is too cold outside and I am forced to bottle it up within me until an acceptable spring arrives when I can condemn myself properly. the universe doesn't even laugh in our faces when we fail miserably or act so foolish, we are nothing to it but for a hiccup in the moment to be trampled over if for no reason but for us being in the way, we aren't even the ants on the anthill. this is the creations charm, we have no fabulous destiny or great future unless we make it ourselves and at the current rate, this is questionable at best. gravity itself is a mass murderer, killing more than we can ever know, unscrupulous it cares not your race, gender or age old woman and babe alike are all the same to it, as they plummet to the earth from three story windows!

at work
with a cough
sitting behind
flimsy computer desks
of electronic devices
in difficult shape
yanking on my cock
curtains closed
office door shut
most of the way
opened far enough
to hear if any
customers come by
and to
avoid suspicion
of which
there is little of either
3:35 am
logging off
my internet account
says I took
11 minutes

how come my shit doesn't smell so bad
as yours does
when you come out of the bathroom
leaving the door shut behind you
nowhere for the stench to escape
never spraying the glade
or lighting a match
neglecting to turn on the fan
that I don't have

if your shit smelled like mine
I'd not complain
but you force me to wince
and scruntch my nose
when I go in there
even hours after you


     Goo is a 27 year old individual whop. stresses he is an individual. sporting a head of flourescent orange hair these days, he trains both his brain and his body preparing to one day do battle with God. His latest aspiration is to win a toughman contest before he is too old and crusty to do so. He lives in Iowa with his freak roommate all the while being stalked by numerous mentally ill ex-girlfriends and lovers. he was once married and then got better.
Goo is a strange fellow, on one hand he bluffs his way through life, never revealing his hand, on the other he shares every bit of personal information with anyone willing to listen, never keeping skeletons in his closet when he can show them to others. a difficult fellow to figure out, he has the most difficult time understanding himself. his life is full of duality, always searching and experiencing new things, the good along with the bad. he hopes to one day start a revolution.
     Goo almost has a degree in sociology and anthropology, but he's too much of a slacker to have completed his BA before 30. He wants a good woman, but as soon as he gets into a relationship, he wishes he were single again.
     Goo has no enemies and tries to be friends to all of gods creatures even the pitiful loser ones. He is upfront and in your face with his writings and never holds back. its made many a person pissed beyond belief at him, but he doesn't really care, all in the pursuit of good literature and enlightenment.

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