God Grant Me the Dignity

    I never really thought
    about why mom always asked
    if any one needed to go
    to the bathroom
    before we ever set
    out on a journey
    until now.

    It always seemed
    to just be habit
    to go from the out set
    because we were always
    "programmed" to
    "go weather you need to or not
    cause I ain't stoppin'.”
    That second nature
    gene reaction
    prior to getting
    in a
    or plane.

    So why is it
    I find myself in this
    in my adult years
    walking towards the rear
    of this cramped little plane,
    that sounds like someone
    attached wings to a blender,
    praying there's some sort
    of facility tucked in the rear?

    I politely asked
    the flight attendant,
    as she peered
    over a tray in her station,
    "Is there a restroom?"

    Looking at my 6 foot 4 inch
    350 pound frame
    she grinned from ear to ear
    and pointed to a small
    folding door
    with the word
    stamped in small letters
    near the hinge.

    She had to step
    from the station to allow
    me to enter this

    I knew it would be just that.

    I peered in to
    the made over
    phone booth
    then looked back
    at the attendant
    to see her
    fighting off a chuckle.

    Carefully sliding through the door,
    I found myself
    having to bend over
    due to a low ceiling
    and a smoke detector
    stuck in my temple.

    Knees and back bent,
    I was thanking
    my yoga teacher
    for the multiple poses
    she had taught me
    in the previous weeks.

    I proceeded to pirouette
    in a circle
    and get on with my business.

    I sat in this space
    not much larger
    than my own coffin
    and prayed to God,
    "Grant Me the Dignity
    of completing my
    bodily functions
    and keep this flyin' blender
    from being plucked
    out of the sky

    until I return to my seat
    Save me the humiliation
    of being pried
    from the wreckage
    with my jeans
    around my ankles."

    “Whether you need to or not.............”
    will never be a second thought
    in the future.

R.L. Stephenson
     R. L. Stephenson has been livin' with the cactus and horny toads for many years. It certainly has affected his views, not to mention the few dances with peyote doin' the same. Slingin' hash, or grub to most folks, being an accomplished Executive Chef has put the groceries in the fridge and a roof over his head. He is editor/publisher of Whoopeecat Press. His work appears on various websites. Accomplishments - chapbook: "Nola in the Streets" and "Howlin' Cat Blues" - 15 poem CD.

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