
Could I become
rarified, pared
down to my

a raw form,
bleeding light;

Can I change,
transmogrify me
through this verse,

and opening,
become expanding


When the bullet leaves the
gun, does it miss its cool embrace,
does it long for cold arms round it
as it rifles and spins?

As it races, tumbling,
headlong in its journey thro' space
does it wonder at its passing,
at its rushed oblivion?

And when it's bashed and
twisted, compressed beyond all grace,
does it care much for the mush
that it got embedded in?


As I write these
love songs,
reducing constantly
and consistently
to an even paste,
I wonder sometimes
whether shorn of
any meaning in the
quest for perfection,
anyone else will

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• Dan Symonds is 27 and lives in London, England.
• He writes poetry, and wastes the rest of his time on various other crap, including maintaining a website.
• Most of the artwork and a bit of the poetry on the website is by his   partner in crime, Ju.
• visit Dan Symonds' songs of the walrus for more musings.

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