the 2000 presidential election

    i don't know why the cars across
    west grandview sound different this

    rained earlier in the night, & dawn

    is gray like ruffled dead skin
    washed against shores of meek bones.

    hair a light streaming from headlights
    lemon light

    & old crow on the roof -- watching
    that lemon light

    the old crow caws loud above my

    i feel the caw of the crow

    thru my own throat. a certain split
    since the cars seem longer

    & they echo sliding as crows caw on the roof

    in trees
    above wet november erie. i think most

    amerikan citizens
    are retarded.

    so how is yr life

    we have just this bit of time of human con-
    sciousness, our mind is simply a bit of the
    total human earth mind. this flesh & this
    bone a bit of life's biological body amidst
    physics. say spirit if you want,
    or soul, or life-force, the inside you,
    but that's all dream.
    hallucination. repeat after me.
    hallucination. echo
    of dumb cave clan. nope,
    nothing more than illusion
    & delusion & peyote
    & whole bunches of history.

    forget it.
    make yr self spin
    fast & furious,
    & flap yr arms,

    oh, one can't
    fly by flapping one's arms?

    how much money do you have?

    fry day

    snow, goddamn squalls sliding
    home from work -- heavy slushy snow
    in very gray dawn. i'm working
    overtime again tonight
    so money is pouring from my asss,
    literally: colonoscopy after insurance
    cost me one hundred & seventy five dollars,
    my 20% responsible. but it's
    paid, in full, & i'm clean of polyps,
    which can't be bad,
    tho my belly is a sort of ball now
    gaining weight after cigarette cessation.
    over three bucks a pack
    is pretty ridiculous,
    smokers, & that price will
    always rise.
    nicotine'd blood
    in nicotine'd brain
    & addiction
    is costly
    & deadly, especially for us
    old poets
    who thrive on multitudes
    of addictions -- oh christ,
    i'm not admitting
    to nothing
    you bastards.
    in that great
    film "american beauty"
    the 2,000 dollar pot
    creates special
    for instance.
    i think cigarette
    smokers shld quit
    & smoke pot
    & watch
    on a snowy
    a simple
    lovely formula for love


    o gentle poetry readers of amerika
    with yr soft vices & r-rated dreams
    i'm like this gas-station guy
    with dirty hair & a hard-on & a
    nicotine-filmy, fly-shatt'd,
    hanger-antenna'd, beat-up tv
    up by some yellowish cans of oil
    oh christ & i've farted
    the steelers
    game is on pretty soon
    oh gentle readers of
    who ain't ever
    been illiterate
    in a rural
    gas-station with a tinny tv on
    ready to watch
    some football

    slamming in my head

    3 years ago the first of november
    alone in a wrecked house with a 30-year mortgage
    just me & the dog
    photographs of my kids
    no car
    about to get financially sodomized
    with water-line breaking under
    the front-yard pine-tree
    simultaneous disasters
    occuring hourly, my life
    thru a rusty
    guzzling on a half-gallon of jim beam
    just to
    sleep a little
    talked me down to a semblance of sanity
    this is when i met
    mcneilley online
    he came
    to my rescue
    then ann
    & the memory
    of that initial november
    3 years ago
    won't ever leave me

    continued: continued
    for bill beaver

    is a geologic
    a cosmological
    beaver of leg-thin
    celestial material

    bill has had his share
    of jokes poking his
    last name
    he is tailed by past
    mud tappings of

    he is sleekest
    in dark waters of
    south western amerikan
    he is like an otter
    that perfect, & fast

    & spinning

    where did i read

    that zen is hiking with a friend
    thru north carolina mountains today
    otherwise working 14 hour days
    saving for airfare from north
    carolina to british colombia:
    like british colombia to
    new zealand to iceland
    to the tip of south
    the very word: amerika
    so zen is hiking
    maybe eating ecstacy
    or tiny sacs of
    autumn lilac
    with the face of a
    45 year old
    i think my face has aged
    the most of anyone's
    face -- nimmo just went full bald
    & he had bags under his dark eyes
    when he was 18
    the nimmo is not hiking today i'll
    filipski is driving a ford escort
    from erie to florida
    miner is meeting filipski in florida
    cait might be in new joisey
    or philly
    or l.a.
    or florida
    or amidst the blue gases of neptune
    jazz is surely
    smoking a cigarette
    & do not be alarmed i am
    NOT making a judgement
    about nicotine addiction
    in tennessee
    pang of sudden apprehension
    mish's sons might
    steam-roller over her soon
    before zen gets there
    or even then
    elaine is wearing pink
    the pink telephone
    & it is the new mexico state
    wanting her monetary donation
    she does not
    but almost
    is not hazy
    not lazy
    not crazy
    but someday
    in the hills of
    sipping white
    is a
    but is not
    a light verse poet
    his soul is a
    & there is passion
    & shit
    & cunt
    & buddhist awareness
    who i have
    not included
    amidst these pressure
    i apologize i cld
    like for
    steeler's play
    in an hour
    maybe bart is tail-gating
    at 3 rivers stadium
    this very moment
    guzzling morning-tapped
    rolling rock
    beer on a cloudy
    sunday in october
    & mcneilley,
    everyone knows,
    is smiling

    3 things

    equating the cunt & face
    & soul, equalling cunt
    & face & soul of
    the woman one loves as
    as other you
    as you who have unremembered events
    happening in strings of
    coiled moments
    whoosh of life
    sound of breath
    this is earth
    this is biology
    this is spiritual tension

    another day in paradise

    no overtime tonight
    for me. pizza
    & beer ann's picking
    up after a salvation
    army job interview on
    peach. lance
    is supposed to stop
    with a movie we'll
    tape, & between the film
    ("i don't know if you guys
    like violent english humor...")
    & lance's deep dream-voice of
    i won't be thinking
    about work.
    i hope not.
    i won't be writing a poem
    about inane people
    & the sly bosses who
    pit fool against fool
    for production gains
    no matter retarded chimpanzees
    smile & whistle while they work.
    no, i won't be writing about work.
    i'll be watching an english
    version of "reservoir dogs"
    listening to lance's dream-weaver
    stories, & i'll be throwing my
    big hairy head back
    throwing beer down my gullet,
    chewing on pizza...

    same old poem

    it's saturday morning. early
    early, & the coffee has gurgled
    a full pot in the kitchen.
    i'm rising to pour a cup

    leaving you in that space there.
    i don't have a goddamn thing to
    tell anyone. those i love
    know i love them,

    those i think as slaughtered slugs
    realize i view them as
    such. the silence is the sound of
    this dark dawn -- that car's growl,

    the rattle of our furnace,
    gusting heat; my little sniffles,
    weird wormy noises
    slither thru my tummy.

    so i'm a piece of meat,
    a strip of marbled beef,
    a split-open side of swine
    with words coming out of my head.


    saying nothing

    oh christ, you'd think there was an issue
    i want to expound. the state of poetry
    in amerika? i don't goddamn care about that.

    illiteracy? so what? humans
    are half beast, so why not
    illiteracy? natural, unbarred illiteracy,
    feathers growing out of skin instead of

    hair, yes, primtive eyes in dawn autumn trees
    instead of dream-book enticement --
    eat the paper, tell the starving.

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     ron androla lives in erie, pennsylvania. he works steady 3rd shift in a factory as a custom molding press operator. he's been writing for 30-some years. maybe he's an alien.

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