Green Pond, Late August, Alone, 2000

    I have those feelings again
    like I had so long ago
    when I was writing a lot, that surge
    like when I was a lonely teenage
    manic depressive compulsive obsessive daydream
    fantasy king, only wanting to be a hero to myself
    and to others, winning the big game
    writing the great song
    that would stop people in their tracks
    saying the great and wonderful things
    in poems and prose
    I was to be the hero
    who overcomes great odds
    to do wondrous things
    impacting society, and even sometimes
    being the rascal bad boy
    who gets away with what hung others

    so now, so many years later
    writing again, and getting the voltage surge
    of contact and flow
    but as before, the knees shake
    because the ground quakes
    and all of us too human types
    feel it the most
    now I know, nothing else matters
    contact and flow

    now with feet finally firmly on the ground
    but still working on the next “Louie, Louis”
    and the next “Battle of the New Orleans”
    writing again, for a year now
    but dream come true or not
    I’ll never be perfect
    glad I gave that up
    always be weak, some ways
    always the hero to myself
    something pulling pushing me
    always dear humanity
    now I have contact, and flow
    which I had forsaken
    as I went undercover in the real world
    got lost, wandered, eventually stabilized metabolism
    leveled consciousness, learned to sit still
    listen, observe, won the greatest lesson in our society
    turned the TV off
    after that the rest comes of its own
    the greatest thing now
    is contact, and flow, and the surge finally grounded.

    San Francisco, Late August, Alone, 1975

    I say, let us begin…here!
    Let us pass the night
    Under the soft spotlight of introspection
    I have some beer
    So let’s invest the time
    minutely, in microscopic isolation
             In this hotel room
             my riches surround me
             Hemmingway, Joyce, and Whalen
             and Muir, and Lao Tze, and De Chardin
    Let us drink, for we are s young as we think
    and let us feast-----cheese and crackers
    as music floats in thru the window
    We’ll eat and drink as long as it lasts
    today we feast, tomorrow we fast.

    The Things We Tell Ourselves

    the things we tell ourselves
    on the threshold borderline
    between the conscious and
    the subconscious mind
    who we are, what we can be
    what beliefs, what doors can open
    all arise from and return to
    the things we tell ourselves
    while waiting, or working, or waking
    in the play of thoughts and feelings
    for power all beings work
    to steer and control
    the things we tell ourselves
    in the changing of the guard
    and while the guard sleeps
    or in the rattle of our tales
    the building of our veils
    fleeting images of dreams
    firing off of neutrons
    in the worlds behind the eye
    the things we tell ourselves
    projections in space and time
    the world is a child of mind
    born of spirit sparks
    something in the center shines
    may be we crystals next time
    the world is a child of mine
    we create our lives
    and we live our creations, our beliefs
    and perceptions form all the lines
    something in the center shines
    the world is a child of mind
    may be we be crystals
    may be we be crystals
                                         next time


henry porter
     I was born in the back seat of a greyhound bus traveling down highway 41. I ran away from home and was taken in by a traveling gypsy woman who tied me to the wagon wheel so that I would get around. Then I ran away and joined the circus. They put me in the sideshow but I didn't like it much so I snuck up to the frontshow. Later, I got a job in the great north woods but one day the ax just fell. so I motorvated down to new Orleans and became a Bob Dylan imitator. Nobody noticed so I drifted up the coast on the Intercoastal Waterway, landed in jail in New York City for starting a peaceful riot. Never did like it all that much. So I got a riding lawnmower and drove it across the country, met up with a little gal; called herself Camellia Gocart. We drove them till the wheels fell off and burned. So then she thumbed a Diesel down in the pouring rain. I pulled out my red bandanna and we sang that trucker all the way into New Orleans - but then, the streets of Rome. Did I tell you about the streets of Rome? Me and that little gal walked and painted that town like it was going out of busyness. But we split up on a dark sad night both agreeing it was best.
     That's about all. I hitch-hiked on an ocean liner back to where I was from. Got me a job in an unemployment office and became a regular joe, all the while remembering my dream of becoming a next elvis. Wrote a song for everyone and wrote a song for you. Wrote a memo to the president but it was returned to sender. Now I'm semi-retired and living in Catcando, Allerroo.

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