Believe it or not,
    my major flaw
    is that I can't tell people to fuck off
    when they come to me
    asking for help
    or advice
    or whatever.
    I can't seem to say
    "Hey, fuck you."
    when she asks me what she should do
    (over and over and over)
    about the man she thinks she loves again .
    I can't seem to say
    "Leave me the fuck alone."
    when he whines to me
    about wanting way more than he knows he can have.
    I let their problems
    become my problems
    become emotionally draining
    and wonder how I was pulled into the middle of this shit.


     Sara T. Punk was born and raised in a vile little church town in northeastern Oklahoma. ...about 5,000 very oppressive people and 32 churches...'nuff said.

Sara T. Punk


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