Dave Dembinski:
dave founded the hold in July of 1998.
he is also editor and occasionally writes poetry. dave has a habit of finding people with questions that need answers. if you fit the bill go to dave's Virtual Help Desk and toss your canary caca his way.
cait collins:
- I have electrical outlets. I have electrical outlets that work. I have electrical outlets that don't work. the electrical outlets that don't work with the ones that do work, might. I also have electrical outlets missing in action. the electrical outlets that are missing in action are still there. what can I say: it's an outlet! I sit in my own cumMmm. I get stuck in traffic. I fuck myself already, so don't tell me to go fuck myself. and if that ain't enough, go mess around in my office. that should sum me up. I need something stiff now....brb
Haze McElhenny:
- reigns in Bethlehem, PA. and is a professional artist of traditional and digital media as well as a contributor of the ho!d e-zine. Haze designs the ho!d's t-shirts, mugs and mousepads and are available at the the hold's Arsenal Of Cool Stuff!
visit and tour more of Haze's creations at Arcipelago Studios and Urban Decay.
Jay Miner:
- resides in Sparks, Nevada. Jay is co-editor of the ho!d also poet and prose extraordinaire. He is busy gathering material for his new website: High Speed Humor at a Temperature Not So Tender. check out Jay's credentials and you'll see why he's extremely qualified.
- Goo has the gaul to advertise his whereabouts. he is a troubled individual who brags about Iowa as if he lived there. he has dabbled in various drugs for years which has most likely effected his brain. he is going through a divorce and looking to get laid. goo's family has read his online body of work and most of them will no longer talk to him anymore. for this, he is most grateful. his life-long dream is to destroy the earth, which makes him highly qualified as co-editor of the ho!d. the Funkmeistergoo's website