23 February 2001
Dear MS….
The presentence investigation came today. it is a monstrous document filled w/ horrific lies & distortions.
If you don’t hear from me check the Spokane review to see if anything has been written about me.
I love you. the girl hates me, the mother hates me.
I am in despair.
Thank you, greatest, for the love you’ve shown.
25 February 2001
Dear cait,
The most stressful weekend in a long, long time is starting to wind down. evening meal is over & hot coffee is here, instant but enjoyable.
Friday night I got just one hour of sleep. Last night 6 ½ or so. Still a bit fuzzy around the edges.
The presentence investigation was a disaster. Dakota’s (girl involved) therapist is attempting to present me as the Hannibal of sexuality. She claims I am so “dangerous” that she’s had her name blocked out. SHEESH!
It’s all rubbish, of course. It is such a shame that the courts really do not get to know us. They rely on these “experts” who have little talent & less insight. This is my life, of course, that they are dealing with, playing with.
I have until the 16th. Then it’s, (gulp), sentencing. “They” are trying to pin an “obstruction of justice” charge on me (2 additional years, now up to 10) for having a friend send her a birthday card telling her not to do anything rash, that I was ok. Translation: Don’t Try Suicide.
Dakota was suicidal when we met. She had already been in an online relationship with a 44 yr old guy during which they’d shared and exchanged some pretty outrageous fantasies.
She was into cyber partners. already addicted to sex. And then suddenly there I was, Mr. Cyber.
Cait, Dakota now sez she hates me.
She went out in August & claimed her 3rd victim; a 28 year old guy who is now, I read in the report, up on charges, JAILED. They allege this is my fault. UNREAL.
So I must spend the next 10 days or so constructing the tightest, most persuasive argument I can. Low end of the original sentencing range is 6 ½ years. At 54 days of good time per year, that works out to 5 ½ years. Subtract the 8 months I’ve spent locked up & we have 4 & 10 months. Around Jan 1, 2006. That’s pretty much “best-case scenario”, cait. I’ll be 61 years old and key-rise, if I start sayin’ 61 yrs. “young” please drag me off-n-shoot me. heh, heh!
No access to a keyboard so I’ll be trying to print as nicely as possible. Legible, brief, comprehensive and I look forward to this part of the process being over. Hope we don’t have to appeal.
Gawd, but I am so grateful for you & cathy. Having two stand-up friends like you means & makes all the difference in the world.
No more delays. This is the “REAL DEAL” coming down the 16th of March. I expect 8 years. The judge knows we’ll appeal anything over the ‘high end’ of the original sentencing range. 8 years… be out in/around april of 2007. ouch! but that’s just a little over six years from now. (sigh)
Darlin’, write me these next 2 weeks. Think good vibes, good thoughts. we can handle whatever comes down. I admit to being very uptight & stressed. be kewl & remember ah luv ya!