...everybody tries to kill themselves at one time or another, one way or another. some succeed, most fail in the beginning, but a flirtation with death can often soon become a sort of love affair
...we all deal with things
...I've been getting along all too well with most everyone lately and its a bit disconcerting to me. it throws me off guard to be as honest as I try and not have everyone fuming mad with me. it makes me wonder if I'm holding back my opinions or if maybe I've finally gotten to everyone and if thats the case I'm most terrified of all
...its a pity to spend fifteen dollars before tax on a book, no matter how wanted or needed, and then to accidentally bend up the cover beyond restoration within the first days of owning it. I know it won't be in its new-bought condition when I've finished reading it once, but to see its state freshly purchased like this saddens me unreasonably
...there is always something I am forgetting. asleep or awake, I cannot remember what it is and often I do not even realize I have forgotten it, but that is the charm of truly forgetting, forgetting in its finest, purest form, the oblivious forgotten, and to never realize it as so. I imagine this is the pinnacle of forgetting, not always an easy achievement. often impressive
...disembodied, I feel as if in a rut, wandering about daily, zombie-like. winter can finish any day now and I will gladly thank it for going away, ending the monotany that I look forward to after a frantic spring, wild summer and intense fall. I am ready for the shiny, bright, speedy days again, and if I do not get them soon I may turn partially catatonic until then
...I watch way too much television. few commercials I have not seen I assume, but could be wrong, but as often as I sit there with that idiot box on, watching it or not, still infecting my brain, you'd think I would have seen them all. I see so many strange things on there anymore that my conscience demands I keep a tape ready for recording at any moment, saving those weirdest items for future reference and to share with various disbelievers
...there is nothing more intoxicating then writing every day. when this is your passion, whether you have anything to say or not, some of the better things are of nothing in particular and this is their beauty, but even the greatest drunk soon turns into a dependancy and the fun times gone, the need sets in, no longer does the giddy joy of writing fill the lighty head, but a sad sharp hazy pain flushes through the soul when I fail to produce, ending the usual mediocrity that generally trots alongside me
...for the first time in about 12 years I have more then 300 uncommited dollars in my savings account and I feel like a millionare, but probably not for long hair seems to be at that constant length beginning immediately after I get it cut which I can do nothing with. I am forced to color it bright orange to take the pressure off myself and put the real blame where it belongs this town the cabs never run on time. in the winter, during a decent snow, you'll be lucky to get a one to come to you at all. there are probably all of about 6 cabs running at peak hours. this is Iowa, everybody here already drives a pick-up truck or a tractor or rides a pig, and if you don't have your own truck (or car), between the cabs and the buses (which stop running at ten pm) you'll be doing alot of walking, running or riding a bike. the individual option of propulsion here of course is your own
...sickness abounds, everyone seems to be ill these days, from strept throat to pneumonia, high fevers and missed work. I worked through my illness, nasty as it was. I'm glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I got it easy compared to many I know. I didn't miss any work from it myself, but I did take the day off once I was better. a few lines of coke and the tease of a wild night, I ended up ditched and slept it away, waking the next morning annoyed and none too hung over, vowing never to call in sick under such circumstances again (or at least not until next month)
...ridiculous people, always confident that death is such a happy affair; time to be with God, time for your corpse to fester, your destiny has been fullfilled. all praise Jesus. such a fancy idea. the cheetah kills the antelope because they have an agreement with the maker. it seems the antelope is called to heaven for a special event in which he is needed asap. the cheetah wasn't hungry at all and every industrial accident, mass murder, fatal bar stabbing and case of infanticide is purposefully designed by our maker. how convenient for us all
...I'm not sure whats in all the food I eat, but I'm sure if it tastes good and doesn't cause a rash, it must be good for you. at least when you cannabalize youe neighbor, you pretty much know what your putting into your body
...I'm not prone to pity myself, but on rare occasions when I try to, I cannot see beyond my loser roomate or the homeless people living down the street or my aimless sister or my sad boss or my junky neighbors or my friends in their petty marriages and I know I don't have it nearly as bad as I thought and it passes with a sigh of relief...

I feel safest
when Im snuggled up
close to you

a man big and strong
feeling like the paranoid world
is watching my every move
waiting to take something away from me

but warm against you
I can close my eyes for a moment
and rest deeply
with a drunk smile on my face

protected by some make believe power
your skinny little body contains
defending me from the daily evils
the universe maintains


     Goo is a 27 year old individual whop. stresses he is an individual. sporting a head of flourescent orange hair these days, he trains both his brain and his body preparing to one day do battle with God. His latest aspiration is to win a toughman contest before he is too old and crusty to do so. He lives in Iowa with his freak roommate all the while being stalked by numerous mentally ill ex-girlfriends and lovers. he was once married and then got better.
Goo is a strange fellow, on one hand he bluffs his way through life, never revealing his hand, on the other he shares every bit of personal information with anyone willing to listen, never keeping skeletons in his closet when he can show them to others. a difficult fellow to figure out, he has the most difficult time understanding himself. his life is full of duality, always searching and experiencing new things, the good along with the bad. he hopes to one day start a revolution.
     Goo almost has a degree in sociology and anthropology, but he's too much of a slacker to have completed his BA before 30. He wants a good woman, but as soon as he gets into a relationship, he wishes he were single again.
     Goo has no enemies and tries to be friends to all of gods creatures even the pitiful loser ones. He is upfront and in your face with his writings and never holds back. its made many a person pissed beyond belief at him, but he doesn't really care, all in the pursuit of good literature and enlightenment.

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