I mean, what's goin' on?
    I'm gainin' about a pound a day
    like I'm this big bug
    that gets bigger by breathin'.

    I usta sleep on a cot
    now it's the floor,
    takes me hours to roll over.
    And when I gotta go, forget it.
    I need me a pit
    cept I don't crap no more.
    It's not like I don't eat
    but there's all this stuff inside
    buildin' up. It keeps on growin'.
    Some day it's gonna explode
    and you don't wanna be around.

    It's somethin' they done in the hospital
    or in the bar, or somewhere. I dunno.
    No matter, I just know now
    I ain't what I usta be.


    Sometimes at night I get the shakes.
    It's like some dark angel
    gets a solid grip on my shoulders
    and bounces me out of sleep.

    I'm soaked with sweat or spit or piss,
    shiverin' there in the dark.
    Maybe I don't know where I am.
    Maybe I just wish I don't.
    I reach out and turn on the lamp real quick
    and the clever devil's gone.

    I don't wanna look
    but open my eyes anyway.
    It's just like before,
    like it always was.
    Nothin' but me.


    We usta have these parades
    when I was a kid, Memorial Day parades,
    where you took these crepe paper streamers
    and stuck em between the spokes of your bike
    an’ in the rubber handle grips.
    And all them old men marchin'
    with them heavy old rifles
    with funny white leather on their shoes.
    The big boom of the big drums
    and whistles and sirens everywhere.
    And us kids ridin' our bikes in the streetcar tracks,
    dashin' through the soldiers
    an’ police cars an’ fire trucks.

    Everybody movin' to the cemetery
    where the parade comes to a stop.
    Drum rolls and them heavy guns
    pointed up to clouds to sky to God
    our Father and all His angels and saints.

    Boom! Boom! Boom! all at once
    the crypts would shake and we'd
    grab our ears for the ache.


Joe Lisowsk
     Stashu Kapinski, the guy who wrote these poems, is a sometime bum living in my skin. He doesn't get out much, but when you hear (and smell) him, you know he's noone else. He's pissed about a lot of things--being out of work for so long, the steel mills in Pittsburgh closing down, getting old, the price of beer, you name it. But he hasn't given up. There are still moments when he feels like the King of Polish Hill.
      After 10 years as Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, Joseph Lisowski is now teaching at Mercyhurst College North East along the shores of Lake Erie. If you look real hard, you can find him sticking on the web in spots like Thunder Sandwich, Niederngasse, Serpentine, Wired Art for Wired Hearts, Born Magazine, The Isle Review, Free Zone Quarterly, etc.

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