
    What are these? More love poems? (I could strangle Paul for that "silly love song" song.) More like un-love, or quasi-love, or love gone strange or astray. I had some "nicer" ones I wrote on V-day (victory? valentines? vd?) But those were not only too sappy, but also ... well, sort of personal. (Yea, right). The first is a tip of the hat to Brautigan. I love that suicidal shmuck. The second goes out to ... well, she knows who she is. And the last is for my dear friends who knew the end was built in. Enjoy things while they last, eh?


    oh richard

    oh one
    that is what you are now
    as i scroll up to you
    where you sit
    a beautiful bird
    perched at the top
    of the list
    sweet small thrill
    till i mention my favorite food
    is chicken salad
    now you're not so sure &
    you feel the need
    to dial oh seven
    & let me know
    i'm still
    chopped liver


    yr the one
    that puts me in touch
    with the side
    that wants to rut
    not exactly hurt
    but nostrils flaring
    and maybe gagging
    wet eyed horse foamed
    & you'd be all hosanna
    if i hosed down
    the insides
    of yr lungs
    as i came
    down to your
    leveling hum
    eh? still
    it's love
    i tell
    you confess
    visions of writhing
    under truck driving
    fat hairies

    i confess
    i flinch between spasms
    to be thus conjoined
    with the word fuck
    so hoarse and brazen
    oh sweet pony
    let me ride
    down that valley
    aching to be grazed
    drag my boots cross
    your wide porch
    back door slamming
    right into yr
    warm kitchen
    with spurs till on
    cross yrself honey
    'cause here comes
    that side of me
    that seeks
    urgent trickles
    whimpered passion
    & a little death
    whinnied out of
    a bleeding sky
    with a handful of nails

    soft hands

    i have soft hands
    & they make fun of me
    them with theirs so rough
    yet so soft upon each other
    & rough it was
    when spouse found out
    if yr asking me
    (& no one is)
    he should let them
    at least hold hands
    all that is truly good for her
    should be good for him
    think of the depth of that gift
    but never mind me
    me with these soft hands

    click for larger view

wild bouque
wild bouque


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My name is yrdog4now. Admittedly it is not what my father calls. Nor for that matter what my sons call me. Not only that, but what my sons call me is not what my father calls me. This may explain why I do not have a statue of dad on my lawn.
     I attended Bard college where upon entry I submitted my poems to an incredibly huge poet who the school was bust out proud to have on the faculty. He was a big poet and he was a huge person. The chair he sat on could not be seen when he sat on it. It struck me as a compelling form of tenure. In any case, he handed me back my poems and said "you can't be serious. I was crushed by that 450 lb opinion and didn't write a poem for quite some time.
     I've recovered of course. I now have children, a mandolin, and a few friends. Oh, and a lawn of all things. It is, of course, anyone's guess if what I now scribble ought be considered poetry. To quote Sam, "I can't go on, I'll go on."
     So I do. And you can call me Otis if that helps.

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